Since February 2023, ECSN has a partnership agreement with RILEM. RILEM is a non-profit association whose mission is to create and disseminate scientific and technical knowledge in the field of materials, building systems and structures, fostering links between experts from around the world.
The purpose of the agreement is to encourage collaboration and co-operation between ECSN and RILEM for the purpose of improving the technology of cement, concrete and structures by making technical expertise of each partner available to the other through publications, meetings, conferences and Internet links.
View Calendar for upcoming RILEM activities..
Joining a RILEM Technical Committee (TC) is free, and it is a tremendous opportunity to develop cutting-edge topics and learn from international experts. On 14 June 2024, ECSN organised a webinar to present RILEM, where all the free initiatives of the association were presented, like webinars and publications, together with the procedure to join a TC. Did you miss that webinar? You can watch it here: